The establishment parties have no right to criticise the British National Party for anything when this party has nothing to be ashamed of or to hide compared to those parties who have turned Britain into a multicultural bankrupt slum, said Nick Griffin, MEP for the North West.
Addressing the BNP’s victory rally in Blackpool this afternoon, Mr Griffin told the enthusiastic crowd that the old parties are “the people who have stolen, robbed and lied to the British people. It is they who should be ashamed and it is they who have things to hide,” Mr Griffin said.
“What we have seen in the recent snouts in the trough Westminster piggery is only the tip of the iceberg,” he continued. “When we uncover the details behind the theft of Britain’s commonwealth - the selloff of our national assets - and make that public, the scandal which will follow will make the current expenses scandal seem minor.”
In a wide ranging speech which covered several topics, Mr Griffin also revealed that he would personally be laying a war crimes charge against Tony Blair over an incident in the Balkans.
“We all know that they have announced that there will now be another inquiry into the Iraq War,” Mr Griffin said. “Of course there should not be an inquiry, but rather a war crimes trial, based on the principles established during the Nuremburg Trials.
“The accused must include the politicians and the propagandists who generated the background to the war,” he continued. “This will include the newspaper editors and media owners who are just as responsible for the lies which led to that war.
“However, we have enough evidence right now to make a case against Jeff Hoon and Tony Blair for an incident during the Balkans War when a Serbian TV station was bombed. I will be laying a charge with a central London police station very soon over this matter.
“Even if they do not want to take it any further, the groundwork has been laid for it to be taken to the war crimes commission in The Hague. As an MEP, I have the right to pursue this matter, and Tony Blair is going to have that hanging over him,” Mr Griffin said to applause from the crowd.
“The establishment parties have had it all their own way and have ridden roughshod over our people long enough. Now our people are fighting back and they don’t like it.
“They will like it even less as this party grows over the coming period and we will face ever increasing hate from the media as a result. They will now go overboard to demonise us and create an atmosphere in which lunatics will feel justified in physically attacking us.”
Mr Griffin used the recent incidents in Northern Ireland to illustrate his point. Although there was no link whatsoever to the anti-Gypsy incidents and the daubing of Republican graves and the BNP, the media has immediately made the connection.
“What they are trying to do with this demonisation is create an atmosphere in which some crazy will try and kill us, or blow my head off and feel justified in doing so.”
Mr Griffin said the only defence against this level of hatred is for party activists to get out and build on the popularity of our party.
“There are many fantastic opportunities waiting to be exploited in this regard,” Mr Griffin said. “The British Jobs for British Workers issue is one which is soon going to take on a new level, and we need to dip our toes into that,” he said.
“We need to throw ourselves back into the fray with renewed vigour and energy. We don’t need to argue the case against immigration anymore. We don’t need to argue about the Iraq War, or about the EU or any of the other issues upon which we campaigned.
“We don’t need to argue them anymore - we have won the argument. Everyone agrees with us. What we have to do now is get out there and show the public that we are the only people with these policies and that we are winners.
“The dam wall has been broken, and the waters of truth will flow out over this country to correct all that is wrong with our land,” Mr Griffin concluded to a standing ovation
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